Friday 10 October 2014

How you know it's autumn

There are the obvious things, like beautiful leaves in glorious shades of red, gold and orange.

There are mushrooms and fungi springing up overnight on old wood.

And there are rain clouds that burst unexpectedly and without warning, that empty out over a few days, and flow with serious intent over the banks of the Wee Burn, meaning you wake up one day to find your path has gone, and your waterhole has been filled to the brim with rocks and stones.

Even the pup looks confused about the geographical changes that occured overnight.

So now we are left to scratch our heads and work out exactly how to source our water.

The upside to the rainstorm was a replenishing of the waterbuts.  So whilst stream water is currently out of bounds due to the sheer viciousness of the torrent and no safe access point, we do have an alternative supply to see us through.

I also have the bonus of more beautiful rocks and stones to play with.  I'm
Thinking of a spiral mosaic.  I just need to make sure I create it higher up so it doesn't get washed away in the next storm.

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