Wednesday 31 December 2014


I've never done a yarnalong before.

Mainly because it has taken me years to learn how to knit and purl, and I'm still at the very start of following patterns.

But I have decided that this year will be the year of KNIT and a weekly check in is a good way to keep the momentum going.

The project is a set of fingerless gloves for my nephew.  I am currently basking in knitted glory (auto text changed that sentence to "basking in kittens" which would also be nice.)

I made a rushed pair of rainbow gloves for my own littlest and his cousin came to stay.  He much admired those rainbow mitts, and before he had left he picked out some colours for his own set.  I have four days to finish them, and as he wants three colours together they're knitting up pretty fast.

After this I'm crocheting my daughter some headbands for an upcoming skiing trip.  

And reading...I can't believe I've missed out on this book as a young woman.  It's blowing my mind.  I was a wild child growing up, but somewhere along the way of becoming a young woman I lost that part of me.  I can remember being fifteen and having friends tell me that I needed to stop climbing trees and riding horses and pay more attention to boys and clothes.  I only half listened to them, but I did listen.

Since living here, and living so close to the seasons, I feel I'm back in touch with that girl, but it's better now, because I'm a woman.  And I have a confidence that I lacked in my twenties.  I hope I can convey this to my daughter, I hope she never loses her wildness within.


  1. Ooh! That green/white/black looks like it is knitting up wonderfully! Can't wait to see!

  2. Your mitts are looking great! Love the colors!
